21 Ways To Make Someone Happy Today

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21 ways to make someone happy today

In a world where we often find ourselves caught up in our own routines and challenges, it’s easy to overlook the simple acts of kindness that can brighten someone else’s day. Making someone happy doesn’t require grand gestures or expensive gifts; sometimes, the smallest actions can have the biggest impact.

From smiling at a stranger to leaving a thoughtful note, there are countless ways to spread joy and positivity in our daily lives.

Here are 21 simple yet powerful ways to make someone happy today.

1. Say Hello or Nod with a Smile

Say hello to someone

It’s amazing how a simple greeting can make someone’s day. Whether it’s the cleaning lady or the CEO, just do it.

Or your coffee shop barista, the person next to you in the elevator, or a neighbor you pass on the street.

That little nod and smile can convey warmth and recognition, making them feel seen and appreciated.

2. Hold the Door for Someone

This small act of kindness can go a long way. Holding the door for someone, whether it’s a colleague carrying a heavy load or a stranger with their hands full, shows consideration and respect.

It’s a gesture that can make a big difference, making someone feel valued and cared for, even in a brief encounter.

3. Give Someone a Compliment

Compliments can brighten anyone’s day. It doesn’t matter how small or insignificant you think it is; it can make a huge impact.

Tell your gym buddy they’re looking big – they’ll appreciate the acknowledgment of their hard work. Compliment a girl on her hair; she’ll feel noticed and admired.

These little words of affirmation can boost confidence and spread positivity.

4. Tell Someone They’ve Made Your Day Better

Letting someone know they’ve made your day better not only uplifts them but also strengthens your connection.

If someone made you laugh or lifted your mood, tell them. Acknowledge their impact on your day, and they’ll feel like they made a difference.

This mutual exchange of joy creates a ripple effect of happiness.

5. Send a Thoughtful Text

send someone a text

Take a moment to send a friend or family member a thoughtful text. Something as simple as “Thinking of you!” or “Hope you have a great day!” can bring a smile to their face.

It shows that you’re thinking about them and that you care, which can be incredibly uplifting.

6. Offer a Helping Hand

Helping someone out, whether it’s assisting a colleague with a project or helping a neighbor carry groceries, is a powerful way to spread happiness.

Acts of service show empathy and create a sense of community and support. Your willingness to help can significantly brighten someone’s day.

7. Leave a Positive Note

Leave a positive note for someone to find. It could be a sticky note on a coworker’s desk saying, “You’re doing great!” or a note in your partner’s lunchbox saying, “I love you.”

These small surprises can be a delightful boost to someone’s day, reminding them they’re appreciated.

Related: The Power of Positivity

8. Share a Funny Meme or Video

Share a funny meme or video with someone who could use a laugh.

Laughter is a great way to uplift people and sharing something funny shows you’re thinking of them. It can create a moment of joy and connection, even if you’re miles apart.

9. Buy Someone a Coffee

Next time you’re in line at your favorite coffee shop, consider buying an extra coffee for the person behind you.

This unexpected gesture of generosity can make someone’s morning and inspire them to pay it forward.

It’s a small act that can create a chain of kindness.

10. Listen Attentively

Listen to someone

One of the most meaningful ways to make someone happy is simply by listening. When someone shares their thoughts or problems, give them your full attention.

Active listening shows you care and value what they have to say, making them feel heard and understood.

If possible try and give your advice, and try not to overburden them and go back at them with your problems, at least not in that moment.

11. Share Words of Encouragement

If you know someone is going through a tough time, share some words of encouragement.

Remind them of their strengths and past successes. A little encouragement can go a long way in helping them feel supported and hopeful.

12. Bring in Treats

Bringing in treats to share with your coworkers or friends can be a delightful surprise. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy – even a box of donuts or a batch of homemade cookies can create a moment of joy and camaraderie.

For example, when I’m in a rush and don’t have time to eat before going to the gym, I just grab a chocolate (dark, no added sugar) from the store and eat it on my way to the fitness center.

Sometimes I end up entering the gym with a half of chocolate still in my hand, at first the receptionist guys and girls thought I was crazy, so naturally, I brought them some the next time I came around.

13. Offer a Genuine Thank You

Expressing genuine gratitude can brighten someone’s day significantly. Whether it’s thanking a colleague for their hard work, a friend for their support, or a cashier for their service, your sincere thanks can make them feel valued and appreciated.

14. Share a Positive Story

Sharing a positive story or good news can uplift those around you. Whether it’s something from your own life or a heartwarming story you read online, spreading positivity can inspire and bring joy to others.

15. Give a Small Gift

give someone a small gift

Sometimes, giving a small, thoughtful gift can mean a lot. It doesn’t have to be expensive – a book you think they’d like, a cute plant, or even a handwritten card can show you care and make someone’s day.

Example: You’re at the store, you’re checking out, and you see some flowers. Buy them for your wife, girlfriend, sister, or mom. They will be delighted that you thought about them, and this small gesture can brighten up their whole day.

You can buy some cold ones and spend some time with your friends, or your dad, or your brother.

If you’re a woman reading this (a bit in the minority here, but welcome), trust me, anything you’ll bring back home to your boyfriend or husband will mean a lot to them. As men we aren’t really used to attention or receiving random gifts, so yes literally anything.

16. Acknowledge Their Achievements

Take a moment to acknowledge someone’s achievements, big or small. Congratulate them on a job well done or a milestone reached.

Recognition can boost their confidence and happiness, showing them their efforts are noticed and valued.

17. Spend Quality Time Together

Sometimes, the best way to make someone happy is to spend quality time with them. Whether it’s a coffee date, a walk in the park, or a video call, giving someone your undivided attention can strengthen your bond and bring joy to both of you.

18. Show Affection

A hug, a pat on the back, or holding hands can be incredibly comforting and uplifting. Physical affection, when appropriate and welcome, can create a sense of warmth and connection, making someone feel loved and cared for.

If you’re more close to that person you can also go in for a hug, these are shown to give the best results.

19. Share a Song or Playlist

Sharing music that you love or think someone else would enjoy can be a wonderful way to connect and bring happiness. A song that resonates can boost their mood and create an emotional connection, showing you’ve been thinking about them.

20. Help Someone Learn Something New

If you have a skill or knowledge that someone else is interested in, offer to teach them. Whether it’s a new recipe, a workout routine, or a tech trick, sharing knowledge can be empowering and enjoyable for both of you.

21. Simply Be There

just be there

Sometimes, the most powerful thing you can do is simply be there for someone. Whether they need a shoulder to cry on, someone to vent to, or just silent companionship, your presence can be incredibly comforting and uplifting.

Even if you are away from each other and are just texting or video-calling, try and give them the attention they need in that time. It means a lot to them.

In the end…

Making someone happy doesn’t require grand gestures; often, the simplest acts of kindness can have the most profound impact.

Whether it’s through a smile, a helping hand, or a heartfelt compliment, spreading joy and positivity creates a ripple effect, brightening the day for everyone involved.

So, try out these 21 ways to make someone happy today and watch how your small actions can make a big difference.


The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Consult with a healthcare professional for personalized guidance and to discuss the risks and benefits of any treatment.


By Stephen M.

Stephen Montagne is an entrepreneur, writer, and digital marketer dedicated to helping others break free from addiction and live a healthier, more fulfilling life. Having conquered his own battles with binge drinking, smoking, vaping, watching nasty vids, and more, he understands the challenges firsthand. Stephen's personal transformation, including losing over 110 pounds (50 kilograms), fuels his passion for guiding others on their own journeys to recovery. Through his insightful writing and digital marketing expertise, he empowers individuals to embrace change and discover a life of purpose and well-being.

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