Stuck in a Rut? Get out of It with These 10 Strategies - Good Existence

Stuck in a Rut? Get out of It with These 10 Strategies

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Tips to get out of a rut

Here are 10 strategies that work well to help you get out of a rut when you are feeling stuck; it does not matter who you are or when it may happen to you. It can make you feel lackluster, bored and less motivated to forge ahead with your goal.

The good news is that there are tangible strategies to escape this state and revive your mojo.

Here are ten powerful strategies to help you escape your rut and regain your motivation back in this article.

Recognize Your Rut

recognize your rut

You won’t be able to break free from a rut until you figure out what’s making you feel like you’re sinking in the first place. It could be in your personal life, at work, or in any situation where different energies clash.

Allow yourself some space to reflect on what is going on for you and if you can identify any patterns or triggers, which have led to the situation you are now experiencing.

Some questions you might want to reflect on are: When did I feel this way? What happen between those events or those changes? What exact thoughts or beliefs are limiting me?

Identifying the cause of your rut will allow you to better understand what the solution is to overcome it.

Take baby steps

Take baby steps

Goals sometimes appear daunting or intimidating so it is important to make small and specific goals to give you a sense of completion. At such moments, big goals are huge and scary.

Otherwise, divide them into smaller objectives.


  • Instead of a trying to complete a whole project all at once, say “I am going to work on it for at least 30 minutes daily”.
  • Rather than trying to overhaul your entire lifestyle, start by making one healthy change per week.

I’ve used another variation of that 30 minutes trick, and it’s called the 2-minute rule, basically when I need to do something and don’t have the motivation or will to do it, I’ll just say I’m going to do at least 2 minutes, at least I’ve done something. The thing is that those 2 minutes is enough to get you started and in the zone to continue working a bit longer even an hour or so.

I do this for example when I need to write a new article… I start for example by trying to at least find a good title in those 2 minutes, and by the time I find one that I like I also do an article outline and maybe a first draft.

Once you meet these mini goals, your confidence will increase which will make it easier for you to take on larger challenges.

Related article: Discipline vs Motivation (Which is best and why?)

Change your environment

Change your environment

Changing your setting can sometimes help change your perspective. A new environment, either physically or socially, can inject new life (and a new perspective) into stale thinking.

This may not always require you to move to a new place tiny changes can be just as productive. Some ideas are to rearrange your furniture or redecorate a room in your home. Go for a walk or visit a new café or park.

Make sure to switch up your routine, such as working in a different location or taking alternative routes to and from work.

A change of scene can help to wake up your senses and open your eyes in a different way.

Talk with your friends & family

Talk with your friends & family

A strong support system might also be part of the key. If you have trusted friends or family members, sharing your feelings with them will reduce your pain, and you will learn to look at things with a new perspective with time.

They might give you advice, encouragement, or just be a listening ear.

  • Regular check-ins with a friend or family member
  • Participate in a support group or share your experiences and advice on online communities.
  • You can even leave me a comment on any one of my articles and I’ll try to reply asap. I’m not a doctor or therapist, but I can still chat with you for a bit.
Related:  Progress Over Perfection: The Fix to Perfectionism Procrastination

When you need help, don’t be afraid to ask for it. Perhaps the largest impact you may experience in breaking out of a rut is in the people you have surrounding yourself with, or surrounded yourself by.

Take care of your well-being

Take care of your well-being

Self-care is very important to keep your mental and emotional well-being. If you are already unmotivated and stuck, treat yourself more often to fun things that make you feel good and relax.

Things like: a nice bubble bath or buying yourself something nice (not necessarily expensive) or helpful. Read a book or watch a movie.

Taking up a creative pastime like painting, writing, or playing music. By adding a routine, you will feel refreshed or have enough power to do it.

Learn something new

Learn something new

Trying a new hobby is a great way to bring some fun stimulation into your life and learn a lot about yourself.

This will also keep your mind alert and active, which can go a long way to snap yourself out of a depression.

You could do an online course or attend a workshop on a topic you are into. It could be a new language or learning to play a musical instrument. Learning how to garden, cook, or how to photograph better.

Being curious can open up new possibilities and the fire of life in you can burn bright again.

Change your routine

Change your routine

Routines are great as a way to keep our lives on the right track daily but they can also make us falling stuck.

This is a way of looking at things from different perspectives and it’s also a way to spice up your routine.

  1. Try a new activity or hobby that you’ve never done before.
  2. Switch up your daily schedule by doing things at different times or in a different order.
  3. Plan a spontaneous day trip or weekend getaway.

Changing your routine can help you feel more energized and open to new experiences.

Exercise regularly

Exercise regularly

Physical activity can work wonders for your mental health. Working out releases endorphins, the body’s natural mood elevators.

It also reduces stress and anxiety, enhances the quality of your sleep, and builds self-esteem. Make it part of your daily routine by:

  • Going for a daily walk/run in your neighborhood.
  • Taking a fitness class or playing in a sports league.
  • Join a gym
  • Go to a dancing class
  • Swimming is also pretty neat and helpful for your body

Having a regular exercise routine also keeps your mood up as well-and you current overall mood needs all the help it can get.

Process your thoughts and emotions


Journaling is an incredibly helpful way to process your thoughts and feelings.

Putting your experiences, emotions, and thoughts onto paper will allow you to make sense of your predicament.

Here are some journaling prompts to get you started:

  • What are three things I’m grateful for today?
  • What are my current challenges, and how can I overcome them?
  • What are my goals, and what steps can I take to achieve them?
  • Regular reflection through journaling can help you understand your emotions and track your progress over time.

Journaling regularly encourages mindfulness of your feelings and documents your progress.

Talk to a professional

Talk to a professional

And if you have tried several strategies and feel you are still getting nowhere, then it is probably best to seek professional help.

A therapist or counselor can offer personalized guidance and support for your individual situation.

They can help you to develop coping strategies, work through those underlying issues, and progress towards your goals.

Maybe you have an eating disorder, or maybe symptoms of depression or anxiety. If you find yourself stuck in this emotional rut a mental health professional can equip you with ways to get past it.

To sum up…

Recovering from a setback takes time and effort, but by following these strategies, you can get back on track.

Understand what led to the slump, set achievable goals, change your environment, seek support, practice self-care, learn new things, break routine, exercise, reflect, and consider seeking professional help.


The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Consult with a healthcare professional for personalized guidance and to discuss the risks and benefits of any treatment.


By Stephen M.

Stephen Montagne is an entrepreneur, writer, and digital marketer dedicated to helping others break free from addiction and live a healthier, more fulfilling life. Having conquered his own battles with binge drinking, smoking, vaping, watching nasty vids, and more, he understands the challenges firsthand. Stephen's personal transformation, including losing over 110 pounds (50 kilograms), fuels his passion for guiding others on their own journeys to recovery. Through his insightful writing and digital marketing expertise, he empowers individuals to embrace change and discover a life of purpose and well-being.

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